Accreditation Course Intake

All intakes cater to:

All intakes cater to:

Level One full courses, Updates and Level Two Course Commencements.

During the Covid and Post Covid Recovery Period all Accreditation courses are to be accessed online. As part of our Covid Support for Members,  we are in receipt of a subsidy for all  members to access both Level One and Update NMAS accreditation via our new Online Education Facility.
This subsidy will be in place for all applications made between 1 July 2022 to 1 July 2023. The subsidy will provide a $100 reduction for all applicants within the specified time period.

To be eligible you only need to have registered and commenced the course before 1 July 2023 .

The key features are:

  1. Both Level One and Updates can be done this way
  2. The course is now accessed online
  3. The course is done as follows:
  4. You lodge and pay online by going to:

ii. Your Accreditation kit and course access will then be emailed to you
iii. You complete the course and send in the requirements
iv.  When everything is checked and passed your update is approved,

You are eligible to do this if you are a MAIA member or the instructor or assistant instructor within an MAIA Member school/organisation.

Administration Support:
Phone:  0426 900 587