Packed house at recent Sydney Accreditation Intake
MAIA President, Walt Missingham, has advised that 2012 has been the most successful year ever in terms of accreditation uptake.
Its only September and we have conducted multiple courses in Sydney and Melbourne as well as Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Port Macquarie, Tamworth With many courses being fully booked out. Attendances of 50 to sixty instructors per intake being now commonplace.
Walt commented “the success of the MAIA accreditation program is a consequence of two things; firstly the industry recognises the needs and benefits of its own accreditation program and secondly the MAIA program is one of only two legally recognised accreditation programs available, the other being the NCAS program of the Australian Sports Commission. There was, regretfully, a period of time where a number of bogus accreditation providers attempted to exploit our industry but these people have all but faded away now.