MAIA President Walt Missingham has advised that effective from 1 July 2011 the MAIA will no longer recognise any Martial Arts qualifications issued by a Victorian RTO.

Walt commented: “There have been increasing concerns about the over usage of RPLS in the issue of Qualifications by Victorian RTO’s to the point that a situation of qualifications that are paid for but not earned has emerged, the MAIA has not and will not be a party this and hopes that the Victorian government Essential Services Commission review of VET fees and funding in a report due in August would lead to Victorian RTO’s governance standards being brought into alignment with those of the other States. ”

Walt noted the recent news item in ‘The Australian’ that reported:

“A SURGE in government-funded enrolments at private providers in Victoria’s open-market training sector has raised concerns that the expansion is financially unsustainable and that “dodgy” courses may be emerging.

The Victorian TAFE Association and the Australian Education Union have complained of increasing hard-sell advertising in parts of the private sector.

Victorian TAFE Association chief executive David Williams said while such courses could be legitimate, it was an area open to potential rorting. “It is imperative that the government satisfies itself that the increases in fast-track courses with very limited exposure to formal learning – whether in a workplace or training facility environment – is closely monitored,” he told The Australian.

AEU TAFE secretary Pat Forward said the open market was driving down costs, but also quality. She feared a rerun of the problems that had plagued the international student market”.

The MAIA will review its position on this matter in September.