Membership Criteria

Membership of the MAIA is available under one of the six categories outlined below.

Membership fees vary to the category of membership and are listed on the membership application forms.

Membership, in all categories is also contingent upon the applicant establishing:

  • appropriate martial arts bona fides and
  • agreeing to abide by the MAIA National Code of Conduct and
  • agreeing to be part of the National Martial Arts Instructors Accreditation Scheme (NMAS) or National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS)
  • being approved by a vote of the National Executive.

Full Members

Category One – Executive MemberClick here for Application
Is open to any National organisation that is recognized by the Martial Arts Industry Association as the National Martial Arts Organisation (NMAO) or governing body of their particular martial art.

The MAIA will only recognize one organisation for this category per martial arts style/discipline (i.e. one kung fu organization, one karate organisation etc). This membership is a full voting member of the MAIA.

Associate Memberships

All Associate memberships are non-voting

Category One BClick here for Application

Is open to any bona fide National martial arts organisation that:

is a State based incorporated sporting Association with national ASIC registration or is a public company limited by guarantee.

It is envisaged that a Category 1B member will be an organisation that can meet most but not all Category one requirements or is an organisation that is is in preparation to be an ASC recognised NSO.

Category Two – General MemberClick here for Application

Is open to any martial arts organisation, club or academy that:

  • is a proprietary limited company or
  • holds a State based business name registration or
  • is a registered Trust or
  • is a registered partnership or
  • is a State based incorporated sporting Association

All category Two members must adhere to the MAIA insurance and Accreditation Policies within the first 12 months of membership.

Category Three


Membership, in this category, is contingent upon the applicant establishing appropriate business registration and agreeing to abide by the MAIA National Code of Conduct for Retail Traders and Importers

Category Four


Membership, in this category, is contingent upon the applicant establishing appropriate business registration; and agreeing to abide by the MAIA National Code of Conduct for Martial Arts Event Promoters

Category Five


(magazine publishers / video producers / book publishers)

Membership, in this category, is contingent upon the applicant establishing appropriate business registration and agreeing to abide by the MAIA National Code of Conduct for the Martial Arts Media.